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October 23, 2005



Ugh, I have the same fear with Ginger. She tries to escape every time we open the door-- got out once and F literally tackled her on the porch. She was pissed. And they don't seem to react well when you say "It's for your own good!"

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    Kitsch, Roadside Attractions and Malls

    • Awkward Family Photos
    • Garage Sale America
      The companion website to Bruce Littlefield's brilliant book about the magic of garage sales.
    • Bureau of Communication
      Wacky pre-worded communcations for every occasion, including "Happy Divorce" and "Grievance Letter" with Ad-Lib type room for your own special personalizations.
    • Jancee Dunn Blog
      Pop culture/rock critic wrote a great memoir about being a writer for "Rolling Stone" and VJ for MTV. Most importantly, she hits the 70s and 80s right on the head, particularly with her descriptions of JcPenny's, where her father spent his career. Her blog has great photos from 70s Penny's catalogs, as well as links to her essays, etc.
    • Disco Museum
      Brilliant. Check out the entry on Paul Jabara, a fairly unknown singer songwriter who wrote for Donna Summer and more. He was also the person who created the red ribbon to bring awareness to HIV.
    • Roadside Architecture
      The author spends much of her time traveling across the U.S. taking photos of giant faux food displays, neon signs, fairytale villages ala "Rock City," old diners and malls and pet cemetaries. Nothing short of genius and addictive.
    • Bad Fads
      After buying a squishy porcupine type toy for Shane and I -- I mean Nate and I -- to play with, I remembered the wonderful Koosh Ball of the late 80s. Shane didn't remember this, so I Googled the term and came up with this great page -- the Museum of Bad Fads. Excited to see that there is a reference to Sea Monkeys, my personal favorite. Though they are not a "fad" -- they are a lifestyle!
    • Roadside Pop Culture - Flickr Photos
      Flickr pictures of various "tourist traps" across America. OK, Vulcan isn't a trap!
    • Dead Malls
      The guys that run this website travel the country documenting malls of bygone times. I love it!
    • Florida's psychic to the stars
      Gary Spivey has an amazing silver afro and a gift for seeing the future. Of course he's from my homeland of the greater Tampa Bay Area, Florida.

    My Peeps

    • Megan's Magnolia Musings
      My sister's blog
    • Graham Nelson
      Minnesota baby extraordinaire and son of Alisa!
    • Nat Reads
      Natalie writes about books, movies, and life in Birmingham.
    • Nikko's Blog
      Nikko is an American ex-pat living in Madrid. I met her through Cliff.
    • Hugh's News
      Blog of an exceptionally talented Dad, grandpa and Yankees fan. In-depth commentary on said Yankees, grandson and state of the world in general.


    Mamas Writing

    • Grasping For Objectivity
      An Alabama mom
    • Will Blog for Shoes
      Brandi loves her some shoes, and is a mighty funny mama.
    • Fabulously Frugalicious
      Trina is a Southern mom who writes about finding bargains, a love of peacocks and her family.
    • Queen of Shake
      Mom from Mobile, Alabama, who writes about raising kids without labels.
    • Literary Mama
      For moms who miraculously manage to write when they have kids. (And find time for reading.)
    • Mamas Ink
      Enough with the dishes already.
    • Birthdays Without Pressure
    • Moms Rising
      This site advocates for moms to decide how they want to raise their kids -- whether it be to work outside the home or to be a SAHM. Most of all, it's about fair, equitable conditions in which one becomes a mom and the chance to raise healthy kids.
    • Mojo Mom
      A site that helps moms reflect on the fact that they are actually people, not just baby-making beings.
    • Mommies With Style
      Stuff for sassy moms and babes.

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