We have had quite the morning. We decided to work on the dogs' Halloween costumes and carve our pumpkin. And by work I mean try to figure out how to squeeze them into the too small but too cute numbers I bought at Target.
So here the are, the lion and the bumblebee. We promptly de-costumed them and they assisted as we carved the pumpkin. They were playing in the backyard for a bit and then we let them in. About 20 minutes later, when I took the pumpkin seeds into the kitchen (baked pumpkin seeds ... yum), I saw Lola but no F. Scott. I thought he was in his usual resting place, our bedroom chair, but the door was closed. Then I walked into the family room and saw the front door -- wide open. I knew that he was gone. Plus he didn't have his harness and tags on because we had taken them off for the photo shoot.
The neighbors probably think I am crazy because the next thing you know I'm standing in the middle of the road in my pajamas screaming F. Scott's name. I can't even describe the panic as I looked around with no sign of him. We live on a busy street and he has no concept of cars. Shane ran out and I ran in to get shoes and a box of treats, our only hope. When I ran out I was overwhelmed with all the possibilities. He could have gotten so far in that time. I ran to our neighbor's yard and saw the tall brush behind our houses.
Just then I heard Shane call for F. Scott. I ran up the driveway and saw Mr. Adventure prance across the road toward Shane. The relief I felt was huge. I grabbed F. Scott and carried him inside. I was so relieved. I don't know what I would do if we couldn't find him -- I can't even imagine it. We've been through so much together and I'm so glad he's home, sleeping in the sun in our office, happy as a pug.
Phew, I can't take all this excitement.
Plus Alabama beat Tennessee. Good endings all around.
Ugh, I have the same fear with Ginger. She tries to escape every time we open the door-- got out once and F literally tackled her on the porch. She was pissed. And they don't seem to react well when you say "It's for your own good!"
Posted by: Courtney | October 27, 2005 at 10:17 AM