When I was 15, I bought a ticket to a Morrissey concert in Orlando. This would be around the time I had a "Meat Is Murder" sticker on my lunchbox, even if The Smiths had broken up years before. Let me explain: Morrissey and his aforementioned band were the soundtrack to my coming-of-age angst, just as he was to teens 10 years before me and 10 years after me. He will serve in this role forever as teenagers don Doc Martens and smoke clove cigarettes.
Just when I'd made the agonizing decision between my Cure "In Between Days" shirt and Bahaus shirt, my father declared I could not go to the concert two hours away with Chris Wunderlin, my responsible 16-year old driver. What?!?! It's not like the former Smiths front man would be playing in Central Florida any time soon! My life was ruined.
Fast forward 15 years. Yesterday I opened the weekend section of the paper and let out a shrill cry. Could it be? Vindication? Morrissey live at the Alabama Theatre July 19? I first called Shane, barely able to string together the words "The Queen is Dead." Then I called Dad and told him I was going and he couldn't stop me. And this morning I bought sixth row tickets to the show in the initimate theater of my second hometown.
A lot has changed in those 15 years. Morrissey has sung to me as I drove around Columbia thinking way too hard about postmodern feminist poets, to crime scenes when I was reporter (wow I'm glad I don't do that anymore), sung to me as I picked out bridesmaid dresses and in the days as I felt Nate's kicks in my super pregnant belly. He's seen some changes too, and is now apparently big with Latino gangs. That's kind of strange but beside the point. I love him! I'm going to see him in July! I will feel the angst live and in person.
From "America Is Not The World" --
"But when the president is never black, female, or gay/and until that day/you've got nothing to say to me/to help me believe."