It's Satruday afternoon. We're having a quiet weekend -- Nate is sick again. This time it's not an ear infection, but a virus. So we are riding the Tylenol train and watching lots of "It's A Big World." He's a trooper -- even though he's sick he's still running around with the remote control box and a big smile on his face.
I'm posting some photos from the past week. The first one is from a trip to the mall with Grandpa last week. While in Macy's buing Aunt Megan a birthday present we ran into some nuns. They live in a convent about 20 minutes away. We told them all about our great aunts, Aunt Nan and Aunt Teresa, who were Dominicans. They were a big part of our lives, and still are today -- I have a feeling they have a little something to do with the good things that have happened in our lives! Nate looks a little scared in the picture -- I assured him that we're not sending him to Catholic School ... yet! The other photo is of Nate going to the Discovery store. Who could resist this pleading look? We couldn't, and Nate came home with some new toys, including his first soccer goal. Shane is working with him each day, because we only have 22 months left before try-outs for the three-year old league.
In other news, yesterday was Megan's 25th birthday! Mom and Dad went to Jackson to celebrate. How can I have a sister that is 25 and I am only 26? And there is a sibling in between?
Finally, in Birmingham news, Richard Scrushy (aka HealthSouth founder) was sentenced to seven years in jail this week for various bribes and other crony stuff. In particular, he bought his way onto a state board that reviews and approves/denies hospital requests to build new facilities. Funny story: In 1999, while a cub reporter, I was working on a HealthSouth related story. I can't even remember what is was about now, I just remember that I called someone in investor relations with a question. After I hung up the phone I swear not two minutes passed before Richard Scrushy himself was calling me asking just exactly what I was doing probing around his enterprise. He was defensive and edgy and told me not to go stirring anything up. And what did I do?
I think I went to Nikki's West for lunch with my reporter friends and forgot all about it. Which is why, ladies and gentleman, I was not what you call a Woodward or Bernstein!
For more recent photos, see Summertime 2007 album to the right. There aren't any of Richard Scrushy in there though :)