The Elvis tree has been up for a few weeks, but I haven't had a chance to take photos until now. (On a side note, I'm not crazy about the quality of the photos. Having trouble with my SLR and just resurrected the point and shoot. If only I knew some photographers ... )
In the meantime, here's a glimpse at the tree. I moved it to the front hall so all could behold.
A few additions this year:
- Animal print ribbon (a salute to the jungle room of course).
- A slew of black velvet portrait ornaments, started with one received during an ornament exchange: black velvet that sings "I'll Be Home For Christmas." (As soon as someone opened that, everyone said, "Erin needs that. She has an ELVIS TREE!") I immediately found out where they came from (K-Mart!) and cleared out their supply along with ...
- An Elvis socking that lights up and also plays music. Naturally.
Related Posts:
Elvis Tree: Hunka Hunka Valentine Edition
Elvis 75th Birthday: My Journey Into The World of Elvis Tribute Artists
Your photos are terrific. That's a hunk of a tree!
Posted by: Dad | December 16, 2010 at 09:18 AM