
January 02, 2011

December 31, 2010

November 29, 2010

November 25, 2010

October 27, 2010

October 21, 2010

October 13, 2010

October 06, 2010

October 01, 2010

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ErinShawStreet Tweets

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    Kitsch, Roadside Attractions and Malls

    My Peeps

    • Megan's Magnolia Musings
      My sister's blog
    • Graham Nelson
      Minnesota baby extraordinaire and son of Alisa!
    • Nat Reads
      Natalie writes about books, movies, and life in Birmingham.
    • Nikko's Blog
      Nikko is an American ex-pat living in Madrid. I met her through Cliff.
    • Hugh's News
      Blog of an exceptionally talented Dad, grandpa and Yankees fan. In-depth commentary on said Yankees, grandson and state of the world in general.


    Mamas Writing

    • Grasping For Objectivity
      An Alabama mom
    • Will Blog for Shoes
      Brandi loves her some shoes, and is a mighty funny mama.
    • Fabulously Frugalicious
      Trina is a Southern mom who writes about finding bargains, a love of peacocks and her family.
    • Queen of Shake
      Mom from Mobile, Alabama, who writes about raising kids without labels.
    • Literary Mama
      For moms who miraculously manage to write when they have kids. (And find time for reading.)
    • Mamas Ink
      Enough with the dishes already.
    • Birthdays Without Pressure
    • Moms Rising
      This site advocates for moms to decide how they want to raise their kids -- whether it be to work outside the home or to be a SAHM. Most of all, it's about fair, equitable conditions in which one becomes a mom and the chance to raise healthy kids.
    • Mojo Mom
      A site that helps moms reflect on the fact that they are actually people, not just baby-making beings.
    • Mommies With Style
      Stuff for sassy moms and babes.

    Photo Albums