> D.C. 2008

With Kai and Erwin

With Kai and Erwin

At Marvin's

Erwin and Kai

Erwin and Kai

Drinking a yummy martini

Drinking a yummy martini

Green tea rice

Green tea rice

The Thai restaurant that we went to had these great infused rices.

With Renee and Kai

With Renee and Kai

We're doing our "Project Runway" poses. I've never seen Project Runway.

Happy times

Happy times

The great view from The Newseum

The great view from The Newseum

The Newseum has an amazing deck with one of the best views ... wouldn't mind hanging out here on inauguration day

A great view of the Capitol

A great view of the Capitol

Tim Russert's famous dry erase board

Tim Russert's famous dry erase board

Part of a First Amendment exhibit

Part of a First Amendment exhibit

Marietta Daily Journal!

Marietta Daily Journal!

In honor of Stephanie.

Outside The Newseum

Outside The Newseum

They post the day's front pages from newspapers around the world

The Newseu,

The Newseu,

I would definitely be a volunteer here

I would definitely be a volunteer here

If I lived in D.C.

Segway Tours (wa wa)

Segway Tours (wa wa)

There were bunches of Segway tours on The Mall. This is decidedly not for me. In related Segway news, I got in trouble with an airport policeman for standing in the wrong place. Then he sped away on his little Segway. Menacing.

The Museum of the American Indian

The Museum of the American Indian

One of the newer Smithsonians

With Jenny and Renee!

With Jenny and Renee!

A traditional meal for Jenny and I

A traditional meal for Jenny and I

Years ago I argued the nutritional value of ice cream sandwiches. They are after all sandwiches, so they can be considered a meal, right? Plus these are Skinny Cows, just 100 calories or so. Granted, the wine offets that ...



Jenny has been in her cute house for five years and I finally saw it on this trip!