> Nate, June 30 - August 5

What are you doing in my crib?

What are you doing in my crib?

I am flexing my muscle here.

July 1

July 1

Hanging out in the crib ... is that a smile? It's the Bach playing on the mobile!

Nate - July 2

Nate - July 2

Here he is sleeping with his very special burp cloth!

Time for the bigger diapers

Time for the bigger diapers

July 3

What you looking at?

What you looking at?

July 3

What outfit should I wear next?

What outfit should I wear next?

July 3

I'm longer than the changing table!

I'm longer than the changing table!

July 3

I'm *this* big

I'm *this* big

July 3

Always patriotic, F. Scott

Always patriotic, F. Scott

Lola salutes America!

Lola salutes America!

Democrats in the house unite!

Democrats in the house unite!

Fight the power!



Is this party for me?

Is this party for me?

Let's get really crazy and add some rice cereal to my bottle

Please don't play Lee Greenwood

Please don't play Lee Greenwood

Even my hair is a little red

Even my hair is a little red

Cause I'm feeling patriotic

Hello, America!

Hello, America!

Nice to know you.

I'm going to spit up on you now

I'm going to spit up on you now

Because you made me wear this hat

I've got funk too, Daddy!

I've got funk too, Daddy!

Jimmy and Olivia bust a move

Nate is missing the party!

Nate is missing the party!

His friend Olivia is getting the party started. Nate, however, is fast asleep! He missed a good one.

Must you take me au natural??

Must you take me au natural??

July 5 - 12.10lbs!

I'm over you people

I'm over you people

King of the Boppy

King of the Boppy

Right on

Right on

Life is goood .... real good.

Ready for My Close Up

Ready for My Close Up

In Yo Face!

July 6 - Do my hands remind you of anyone?

July 6 - Do my hands remind you of anyone?

I'm plotting to take over the world ... hee hee!

Mommy is blonde again

Mommy is blonde again

Now *that's* the mommy I know.

Mischevious ...

Mischevious ...

Check out my motor skills!

Check out my motor skills!

July 8

July 8













"Hey, that's my boppy!"

"Hey, that's my boppy!"

Lola is once again kicked out of the Boppy by Baby Nate, who is dozing post meal.

Baby Nate's mom

Baby Nate's mom

On the first day back to work. Look, no spit up on the shirt ... for five more seconds!

Big tummy!

Big tummy!

July 16

"Which way to the beach?"

"Which way to the beach?"

He says has he flexes his muscle

Bedtime ritual

Bedtime ritual

July 16 -- Here we are reading our bedtime book, "Goodnight Moon."









Mimi and Grandy

Mimi and Grandy

Check out the action on the mat

I can grab your finger

I can grab your finger

Nate's coordination is getting better each day. He's more able to control his hands and fingers, identifying and grabbing items he wants to explore.

Floor time with Grandy

Floor time with Grandy

July 24

The Nate Street Crooked Smile

The Nate Street Crooked Smile

Check out these thighs!

Check out these thighs!

July 27, 2006
